Have You Gone on A Blind Date with a Book?
Have you heard of the trend Blind Date with a Book? It’s been popular at book stores and libraries for years and has trickled it’s way to the internet.
Videos show someone picking up a wrapped book sometimes with little clues written on the outside for you to take home and read. The trend was started so readers would get out of their comfort zones and read a book they might not have picked up before.
Recently, I’ve been accidentally participating in the trend by grabbing a book on my TBR that I have no memory of the plot. This gives me no expectations and leaves me more surprised then if I would have read the blurb beforehand.
With that in mind, I decided to go the audible route as I was running low on my physical TBR shelf. I opened the app and quickly let the screen scroll until I thought it was far enough and hit the first book that popped up.
Apparently I was going on a date with Haunting Adeline. My first impressions where of the cover. It was up to date with other YA novels or fantasy novels as of late and had a moody feel. Keeping with my method of not reading the blurb, I jumped right in.

I was meet with a female voice who I would later come to know as the main character, Adeline. Her interactions with others as well as her inner thoughts felt real and were quite funny. I was intrigued as it started off as if she was living in a haunted house, which would make sense due to the title of the novel.
But as I continued, I realized this was not a genre I would ever pick up. Haunting Adeline is not a thriller or suspense story, but is, in fact, a spicy romance. Which I don’t mind spice every once in a blue moon but this was chalk full!
Come to find out there is another main character named Zade who works to save kids from sex trafficking. This is great and all but it turns out he is a stalker and a good one at that. One who is very sexually driven.
I’m sure you can put two and two together(not literally lol) but I was sad when the creepy stalker situation/haunted house scenario turned into a sex fest. It happened way to quickly leaving nothing to the imagination. To top it off, the background story was also a bit predictable which gave any interest I did have in the book faulter do to the endless sex scenes that occurred out of nowhere.
The character Zade was also hard to figure out with him being a hero and villain at the same time. I’m not sure if he was intentionally written to be loved and hated but he gave the overall story a strange feeling. One I didn’t like too well.
Then there’s Adeline, who seemed smart and strong willed in the beginning, but slowly lost her touch the further she got into the story. Especially when it comes to sleeping with a stalker. AND…. her friend who literally puts criminals away was just letting all this happen. Excuse me… I would hope if something like this was happening to me my friends would get me help, not just let it happen.
The thing that irked me the most though, and this is going to sound stupid, is Adeline being a best selling author. Why in all books do best selling authors have large houses and are successful at such a young age? Let’s be real, this would never happen and most authors don’t live single handily off their earnings. It’s not all that it's cracked up to be.
Anyways, back to it. Overall the story was good. The character interactions and conversations felt real but the scenarios they found themselves in where just ridiculous. I've also learned I do not love books with lots of spice. In the end, I won’t be going on a second date with this duology, but I would set it up with friends who like that sort of drama in their lives.
Have you been on a blind date with a book before? If so tell me which book you read and how you liked it in the comments below!
