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Update on Writing Goals 2023

Writer's picture: Kali KuzmaKali Kuzma

How is 2023 Coming Along?

2023 is halfway over...seriously where did the time go?! With only six months left of the year, it means it's time to do my check-in to see how my writing goals are coming along.

These last six months have felt very different than they have the past several years. Things have slowed and I've taken a step back but in doing so, I feel like so much more progress has been made.

So, let's see how I've done so far!

Goal Recap for 2023

At the end of last year, I really sat down and decided to see what was and wasn't important moving forward with not only my writing, but the blog, and my personal life. Here are some of them.

  • The Blog Schedule-Reduce posting to every other week on Mondays at 9am.

  • Short Story Collection- Write and put together a horror short story book

  • Guest Posts- Continue working with other self-published children books authors so they can share their work on the blog.

  • A Novel- Write an entire novel based in horror or similar genres

Even though these were my main goals to focus on for the year I always like to keep the future goals in the back of my mind as well. Here are some:

  • Traditional Publishing

  • Finish a Series

  • Stand Alone Children's Book

  • How To eBook

  • Short Story Magazine or Website Publication

1/2 Way Mark Results for 2023

Halfway through the year and I can't believe how much I have already accomplished. Even though my list has shortened but the work has multiplied. Here's how I'm doing:

  • The Blog Schedule- Even though I've cut back on blog posts per month, I've still been able to knock them out every other week. Unlike the last several years, where I've planned out blog posts and the content months in advance, this year I'm writing what I feel in the moment. It's definitely been more enjoyable this way and I hope to continue in this manner.

  • Short Story Collection- I haven't worked on this one as much but I do have about 12 different stories I can add to the collect that are either written and need to be edited or need to be written. I'm hoping to take some of the short stories I've written on the blog to add to the collection as well.

  • Guest Posts- I've still been collabing with other authors this past six months and hope to have a few more of their posts/stories of inspiration hitting the blog soon!

  • A Novel- This year I've been hard at work not just writing one novel but three! It's so much harder than I anticipated but I'm slowly making progress and developing the characters at the same time. I have so much to learn and so much more to write but so far, I'm on track to finishing one of them by the end of this year.

Final Thoughts

I'm slowly picking away at my first book trilogy as well as doing some other things relating to my goals. This year, my theme is 'Be the Main Character' which I find fitting for both writing and life in general. I felt it necessary to pay attention to events in my life that may make it book worthy. So far this year, I've gotten to crew a hot air balloon, somehow ended up at a witch gathering, and had both my car and rental car break down to name a few.

I've also set a reading goal of at least 20 books this year to help in my writing process. In doing so, I can see what I do and don't like when it comes to scene flow and dialogue. So far, I've read over 26 books! I most likely won't be slowing down anytime soon.

Even though I don't have as many goals as I did in the previous year, the amount I'm currently working far exceeds anything I've ever done. For the coming summer months, I'm stepping back from writing to go travel and create new stories, but I know I'll jump right back in when given the chance. I can't wait to see what the next six months bring.

Let me know in the comments below how your goals are coming in 2023! It doesn't have to be writing specific. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog to get updates on upcoming posts.

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