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A to Z for Writers

Writer's picture: Kali KuzmaKali Kuzma

A List for Writers

As a writer, I always try to think of fun things to keep me creative and writing. This is why I came up with a list of words from A to Z for writers.

A to Z for Writers

A is for Alphabet

Isn't it strange that you can take 26 letters and jumble them up to create thousands upon thousands of words to tell a story. I think about this often while writing.

B is for Best Seller

For published or self-published authors their goals are to get their stories out to the world and there is no better way to do that then becoming a best seller. Climbing your way up the charts is a writer's dream.

C is for Copyrights

When publishing, it is always recommended to get copyrights so others can't plagiarize your work.

D is for Drafts

The first draft of your story is always the hardest, but once you complete it you feel so accomplished.

E is for Editing

After the first draft comes the hard part... editing your work. During the process, you often wonder what you were even trying to say.

F is for First Person

First person is the most common point of view written in stories. It allows the reader to understand and personally feel the events taking place.

G is for Genre

When writing, your story will most likely fall within the 50 types of book genres. It's important to categorize your book correctly so readers can find your story easier.

H is for Headings

Headings such as titles, chapter names, or table of contents are crucial in breaking up your story into sections so your readers can find easily where they left off. Headings also allow readers to foresee what might be coming up.

I is for Inspiration

To write a great story inspiration is key. Check out my post on how to find it!

J is for Journaling

Not all writing needs to be for your novel. Instead, take a moment to write your feels or thoughts in a journal. Who knows, it might help create your next story.

K is for Key Words

When publishing or promoting your writing whether it be a book or blog post, it is important to tag key words associated with your writing. Key words help readers find your stories easier and help with overall SEO.

L is for Literature

Even though you might be a reader, it is important to keep up on your literature. Reading others work will help make yours so much better.

M is for Main Character

All great stories have a main character. While writing your main character make sure readers can connect with them, otherwise readers may not recommend it to others.

N is for Newsletter

If you are an author, it's important to keep your followers updated. Have a newsletter subscription to keep them up to date on the latest news and fun projects.

O is for Outline

Before you go to sit down and write your story it's important to have an outline you can follow. This way you have something to reference and keeps you on track.

P is for Plot

Not only is outlining your story important but so is plotting. Keeping your story interesting with events placed at certain points in the story will keep readers intrigued and more willing to recommend your story.

Q is for Querying

If you are wanting to publish your story traditionally you will have to query a literary agent before sending in your work. There are hundreds of posts out there talking about the best ways to write a query. Instead of listening to them, follow the directions each literary agent gives when emailing them.

R is for Review

Once your story is out in the world, it is open for reviews. It's always nerve racking to see what people have to say but most of the time it's positive.

S is for Self-Publishing

Traditional publishing is so hard to break into that most indie writers turn to self-publishing. A great deal of self-publishing authors are even finding more success compared to traditional authors these days as they can get their work out there faster.

T is for Thesaurus

Sometimes writing can be hard and you can't find the correct words. It's always handy to have a thesaurus at the ready to keep your words flowing.

U is for Unity

The plot, voice, characters, etc all need to come together to create a unified story. If not, your writing may not be enjoyable or feel out of place.

V is for Villan

A good story always has a great villain. Writing a believable character people hate is an easy way for readers to feel emotion while reading your book.

W is for Worldbuilding

A story will only work if the world you created is believable. This includes the surrounding environments, animals, people, technology, etc.

X is for Xes

Not going to lie, X was a hard to come up with, but when you write a story there is a bunch of crossing out your work. Xes is a Greek term meaning the crossing out of words!

Y is for Young Adult

There are so many genres out there, but Young Adult always seems to be a big hit. I know I spent many hours in the YA section at Barnes and Noble.

Z is for Zone Out

You aren't truly a writer unless you've zoned out while writing your story. Don't lie, we've all done it.


Final Thoughts

I hoped you enjoyed this list of A to Z for writers. Tell me in the comments below what you would have picked for your list.

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